Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I'm finally back from a busy four weeks of traveling.  Five trips, two coasts, ten states, five hotels, New York four times in two weeks... I'm tired.  It's been rough but survivable, and I now have three weeks to spend with Alice until I leave for my next trip.  It's good to be home.

My camera is backed up with pictures-- 305 photos two trips ago.  We have Alice on two trips, Flat Alice on two, a story of our first trip without her, her first real 5K race, her visit to an 80's movie landmark, the coolest art installment any of us have ever seen, a visit to my favorite-named teahouse, Alice's new collar, and... well, Alice in Granny Panties.  Lots to write about once I dig out at work (funny how you can accumulate work while working more than normal).

In the meantime, I wanted to share something that The Human Male sent me yesterday.  Occasionally we have a middle of the day Cute War, where we send one another pictures of cute things (ducks, kittens, baby horses) trying to one-up each other on the "Awwwww!" scale (it's a unit of measure, I swear).  Yesterday he sent me an e-mail and a link to Andrew Sullivan's dail Mental Health Break, with the message that it was a good thing he didn't declare Cute War on me because he'd be the ultimate winner.

After seeing it, I'm compelled to agree.  And wondering if Alice is a pug-beagle-AT-AT mix.  

1 comment:

Mr. Puggle® said...

cute video! welcome back. i hope you get to decompress be for your next trip. we are trying to catch up on lots of work too. mr. puggle has gone fishin' for a while. enjoy alice while you can! =)