Monday, September 7, 2009

Found: Another Unicorn!

And this time, it's got the added bonus of being a winery.

I really will write about our trip shortly, but I had another picture that I wanted to share first. On Friday, we decided to spend a day visiting wineries. While driving back to the Inn, we passed a sign saying "Unicorn Winery-- 1.6 miles ahead". Detour!

The vineyard is dreamy-- rows and rows of vines, a beautiful pond (complete with koi) and a tiered deck. And the map to the winery cracks me up.

So that's where all the unicorns are!

Even better, you'll never believe who was inside: a puggle named Sammy! The girl working the store was a puggle owner. Unicorns, good wine, and puggles-- seriously, heaven on Earth.

Sammy's owner was an unintended puggle person. A former Rottie owner, she heard of a woman getting rid of her puggle and decided to give a little dog a chance. In her own words: "Sammy's the best dog I've ever had."

Unfortunately, the trip was not without incident. Alice was utterly confused as to why we weren't at home, nor were we staying with people and dogs she knew. As a result, she was pretty stressed out all day. When she got in the store, she and Sammy played nice for about a minute, tearing around the store at full puggle speed. But when Sammy followed Alice's lead and jumped up on me, Alice flipped out and growled at her. We sent Alice to puggle prison after that.

On the upside, Sammy's owner was barely phased, we came home with several bottles of great wine, and Alice has returned to her sweet self. All is now well, plus we have a map to find all those elusive unicorns.


Mr. Puggle® said...

a puggle at a unicorn winery? what are the chances of that? so wild!

Bruschi said...

Thanks for the kind words! Not sure what is going on the bowl. Mr. Puggle is going to work his magic and make it special for Sargent!!

Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

Ariel said...

I want to visit a Unicorn someday. I will put it on my Doggy Wish List.
Thanks for the info.... <3
Licks and Wags, Ariel <3