Monday, October 5, 2009

Did you know...

Did you know that October is National Adopt-a-Shelter Dog Month? I just found out a few days ago and have been so impressed with the resources that blogs and organizations have been putting out. Here are a couple of my favorites:

1. I Love Dogs, Inc. Adopt a Dog Profiles. Each day they highlight a new dog that's up for adoption. I love these sweet profiles-- they're like little personal ads.

2. American Humane Association's Website. This is the hub of the activity. They have some nice articles.

3. The ASPCA Twitter feed. I love the little articles they post-- bite-sized and tasty! Great when you need a break from work

4, The Bark's Blog. They focus on shelter dogs fairly regularly, but I particularly loved a post they did today: valid reasons why getting a shelter dog is a good move. I agree wholeheartedly with this list: I feel like we knew a lot more about Alice when we got her from talking to the shelter staff than we would've if we'd gotten her from somewhere else.

Ariel suggested another great website: Save a Dog. This site is super cool-- lots of links along the side to different types of information (what to do if your dog is lost, holistic diets, and adoption stories-- I love those). Definitely check out Dog Humor (I like "Why Dogs Bite their Owners"). Thanks for the suggestion!

Anyone else find some good websites worth sharing?

1 comment:

Ariel said...

Thanks for the information Alice. I did not know that. Here is another great site to support Shelter Pups:
Have a Great week Alice
Licks and Wags, Ariel <3