Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Surprise! You're Published.

I got an e-mail this morning from The Bark, confirming our address for our complimentary copy of DogJoy, the book Alice is in. They also had an offer to buy additional copies at a discounted price, so I decided to check out Barnes & Noble to see what the original price was.

Funny thing, the website said it was in stock. And released today.

Well, then. Happy Surprise Publishing Day, everyone!

We were told that the book was being released on October 27th, but it's definitely out now-- and available at many, many bookstores (I checked). I love the idea of little Alice sitting on a bookstore shelf, just waiting to introduce herself to strangers all over the country and give them a smile.

Even better, if you have a Barnes & Noble account, you can actually view a bunch of the pages, including Alice's! She's on page 147, along with a few other really adorable smilers.

I'm so excited right now, I feel like one of the dogs in the book.


Mr. Puggle® said...

oh how exciting! i have a BN account so i will switch computers and look at it later. did you get the letter i sent you? your other "Surprise" you have been published this week. :)

Ariel said...

WooHoo! So Happy for you Alice!
Licks and Wags, Ariel <3

Alice's Human Female said...

Mr Puggle: I didn't get your message! Yay! Where was the pick-up?

Mr. Puggle® said...

glad you got the letter. :)